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How to Become a Millionaire in Your 60s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 60's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 60's. Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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5 Ways to Become a Millionaire

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in no time. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life. Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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How To Become A Millionaire In Your 20s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 20's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 20's (which is extremely difficult). Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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How to Become a Millionaire in Your 40s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 40's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 40's. Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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Different Ways to Make $200 in a Day

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Also, note that this article does not provide any type of get-rich-quick strategies...because I firmly believe those do not exist. If that is what you're looking for, then this article is not for you. All of these strategies are proven to be successful, but only if you are able to put in the work required.

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How Much Should I Spend in Retirement?

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

No matter how old you are right now, you should already be saving for retirement. Whether you're contributing to a 401(k), IRA, or other long-term investment (or all three), you have to make sure that you'll have enough money to last the rest of your life.

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The Risks of Being a Power of Attorney

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

As family members, we have a natural inclination to volunteer when it comes to helping with managing end of life affairs and estate planning. It’s what we do. We make sure our parents, siblings, and other extended families can count on us to pitch in now and in the future. 

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Why Maxing Out Your 401k Could Mean Missing Out On Thousands

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs. 

For many of us, our 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan is our primary vehicle for retirement savings. A 401(k) is a defined contribution plan meaning that our retirement benefit is determined primarily by the amount that we save and how we invest those savings. However, there is a maximum 401k contribution limit that we will cover.

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What Should You do with Your Old 403(b) Account?

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

A question that comes up regularly is what to do with old retirement accounts. In the old days, many workers stayed at the same employer their entire career and retired with 30 to 40 years of service.

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What's the Difference Between a 1099 and a W2?

Whenever tax season comes along, it seems like everyone’s finances get a little hectic. Many of the employed expect some sort of tax rebate due to write offs and other credits. On the flip side, a lot of self employed workers have to pay their taxes in full at this time if they haven’t been paying quarterly (which I’d recommend). 

Handling your taxes can be tricky, and more so for the self employed and contract workers. Since employees who are taxed regularly from their payroll checks handle their taxes differently than those who do not see regular deductions from their paychecks, each group has a different tax form: The 1099 and the W-2.

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What's the Difference Between a Traditional 401k and Roth 401k?

Saving for your retirement is one of the most important financial hurdles you will be faced with. While there are a number of options including IRAs, chances are you’re most familiar with the 401(k). 

401(k) accounts are one of the most popular retirement plans offered by employers for their employees. Made up of a variety of investments, 401(k)s allow for increasing one’s savings and making your money work for you. 

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Social Security Filing Strategies With a Second Marriage

As you transition into retirement, one of the most pressing issues to consider is applying for Social Security. Although these monthly payments probably aren’t your entire income source, they can be a vital part of your retirement budget

If you’re married when applying for Social Security, your spouse may also be entitled to benefits, even if he or she is not at retirement age. However, while this process is relatively straightforward for current married couples, what if you’re on a second marriage? 

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Social Security Filing Strategies for Divorcees

There’s no easy way to say it: getting a divorce is terrible. Not only is there the emotional toll that you have to deal with; a divorce also brings with it a measure of financial stress as well. Instead of living on multiple incomes and sharing expenses, you are now forced to make – and pay for – everything on your own, making all financial decisions along the way. 

This burden doesn’t get any easier as you approach your retirement years either. A reduced income can make it harder for a single individual to live and thrive during what are supposed to be the golden years of life. Thankfully, there are programs out there that can provide some measure of help, and Social Security is one of them. 

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Social Security Filing Strategies for Widows

For the recently widowed, there are many painful questions that have to be answered. Unfortunately, many of those questions are about money. When you should be focusing on family and saying goodbye, you instead have to deal with questions about loss of income and the decisions that need to be made. 

For widows and widowers approaching retirement, many of the money-related questions have to deal with Social Security. Because a spouse has spent his or her entire life working and paying into the system, it doesn’t seem right for it all to go to waste. Shouldn’t the widow be entitled to the Social Security benefits of the deceased?

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Social Security Filing Strategies for Couples

For married couples, filing for Social Security comes with several options. Depending on the situation of the couple, there are different strategies that couples can employ to maximize their life-time benefits. We’ll cover each of these in more detail below but, for now, here is a brief overview to get you started. 

First, for couples that have a long life expectancy, the best strategy is to wait as long as possible before filing. Because waiting to file (up until age 70) increases the monthly size of your Social Security payments, a couple that expects to live a long time can earn more over the course of their retirement by waiting to file.

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Why Have Medicare in Retirement?

There are many perks to retirement, such as freedom, traveling, spending more time with friends and family, and for most, becoming Medicare eligible. Most seniors become eligible for Medicare when they reach age 65. Though, some seniors believe they do not need Medicare due to retiree or Veterans Affairs (VA) coverage. 

That is not always the case, so it’s important to know the facts when you approach your Golden Years. Here’s why you should have Medicare in retirement.

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What is the Difference Between a Traditional and a Roth IRA?

If you want to save money for retirement, you need to start doing it right now, no matter how old (or young) you are. While there are multiple methods for building a nest egg, one of the most reliable is contributing to an individual retirement account (IRA). 

There are two primary types of IRAs available - traditional and Roth. Both options have benefits and downsides, so it’s crucial to understand the differences between them. Here is what you need to know. 

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When is the Best Time to Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?

As you get older, there’s a possibility that your health will decline to the point where you need assistance. This assistance can range from part-time help all the way to full-time assisted living. 

This long-term care is expensive, and without proper planning can financially devastate a person or couple. Paying for care with your own dollars will erode your nest egg and, depending on how big it is, it might even dwindle it all down before Medicaid swoops in.

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Do I Need Life Insurance in Retirement?

As you get closer to retirement, it’s crucial to plan for every detail. While your primary concern will be whether you’ve saved enough, one element that can come into play is life insurance. 

Typically, most individuals believe that life insurance coverage is only necessary when they have dependents. However, it can be a valuable asset at any stage of life, including retirement. In this article, we’re going to outline the steps you should take to determine whether you need life insurance in retirement or not. 

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What are the Fees in My 401(k)?

If you’re saving for retirement, chances are that you are putting money away into an employer-sponsored 401(k) plan. According to a recent study by the Investment Company Institute, Americans put away over $5.8 trillion in assets in 2019. By comparison, that number was only $3.1 trillion in 2010. 

While 401(k) and 403b accounts are by far the most widely utilized saving plans, you may not be aware of the various costs and fees that come with them. In fact, if you’re like 37% of savers, you may not realize that you pay anything at all.

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