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Clint Haynes is a Certified Financial Planner® serving clients who are going through the transition into retirement. He is also the founder of NextGen Wealth as well as the best-selling book Retirement the Right Way.

Over the years, Clint has been quoted in and written for many local and national publications including the Kansas City Business Journal, Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger, and Forbes.

Read Clint Haynes’ Full Bio

Top 5 Things to Consider Before Setting a Date for Retirement


Setting your date to retire can be one of the most stressful decisions you’ll ever make. Maybe you’ve been anticipating this day for a long time - or dreading it. Retirement means different things to different people, but no matter what, you still need to prepare.

Let’s talk about the five things that you need to consider: what you are retiring to, current income versus retirement income, current expenses versus retirement expenses, having enough resources (money), and changes to your plan.

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Qualified Charitable Distribution as a Required Minimum Distribution?

This post was last updated on December 30, 2023, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

If you’re required to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), then knowing your options is important. Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) are a useful tool to keep in mind.

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How Do I Know a Financial Planner Won't Take My Money?

The safety of your money is important when working with a financial planner for the first time. You worked hard to save for retirement. Protecting your assets may be why you’re hiring a financial planner in the first place.

The type of financial planning professional, compensation models, business structures, and legal protections are all important considerations. Not all firms manage investments the same - some don’t manage investments at all.

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How NextGen Wealth Prepares Your Social Security Strategy

Deciding on when to draw Social Security based on only one or two factors could be a huge mistake.  As you approach retirement, your financial life doesn’t necessarily become less complicated.  In some ways it gets even more complex.

It may seem like making the right decision is pretty straightforward.  However, once you include all the different income, tax, and lifestyle variables, it isn’t that easy.  At NextGen Wealth, we help guide you through these decisions in a deliberate and methodical approach.

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How Should You Prepare if You're Forced to Retire Early?

Retiring early might sound nice, but not if you’re forced into it!  If you are forced to retire sooner than you planned, you’ll need to prepare yourself for your next chapter a bit abruptly.  You may not have saved as much money as you had hoped, or this may mean smaller dreams for you.

Regardless of what forced you to retire early, there are steps you can take to improve your financial position. Let’s talk about what you need to consider if you find yourself in this situation.

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What is the Best Social Security Withdrawal Strategy for Me?

This post was last updated on December 30, 2022, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Deciding when to draw social security benefits is one of the most important decisions you will make as a retiree.  Careful consideration of your specific situation and goals is a must.  Don’t wait until you’re eligible to make these important decisions.

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Can Capital Gains Push Me Into a Higher Tax Bracket?

This post was last updated on December 30, 2023, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Understanding when capital gains can push you into a higher tax bracket is very important.  The final step of investing success is keeping your hard-earned cash where it belongs – in your bank account!

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Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement: What's Right for Me?

When you start thinking about how Medicare will cover your health care needs, you should consider making one major decision. That decision will be whether you choose to enroll in federally run Original Medicare or go for a private insurance alternative.

Most people overall are satisfied with their plan of Original Medicare, besides the unpredictable out-of-pocket costs, as well as not having dental and vision care coverage. However, Private Medicare plans provide solutions to these issues and many other benefits.

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Medigap or Medicare Advantage: What's Best for Me?

One of the most expensive things for retirees to have to deal with is healthcare. Healthcare is not cheap. In fact, it seems to get more expensive every year. 

Yet, in retirement, most of us are saddled with the less than 70% income we were making before retirement. So, how does one still afford healthcare in retirement?

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How to Retire with Confidence and Peace of Mind

This post was last updated on January 28, 2024, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

You may have spent your whole life working towards retirement. However, as you get closer to retirement, there are so many feelings and doubts that can creep in and cause you stress. There’s no need to worry – as long as you have a plan.

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How to Find The Right Financial Advisor For You

This post was last updated on January 02, 2025, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Retirees who work with a financial advisor are happier and more confident – in their finances and in life. Many of us have concerns about money. So, it makes sense that getting expert help would increase happiness by reducing financial stress.

The right financial planner does so much more than just help you with a 401k rollover. A true expert takes the time to get to know you and craft a detailed, thought-out plan around your hopes and dreams. The process should center around you, not your money.

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How to Ensure Not Running Out of Money in Retirement

This post was last updated on December 31, 2022, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

If you’re concerned about whether or not you will have enough money in retirement, you should be. Research has shown that men and women are living longer, which means we could well have a good 30 years of life left in retirement. 

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The Top 7 Things You Should Plan for in Retirement

This post was last updated on January 18, 2024, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Proper planning is crucial to ensure a smooth transition into a fulfilling retirement lifestyle. However, it can be really intimidating when you first get started. You aren’t the first person to retire, so you can draw on the experience of others who’ve walked this path.

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Why Everyone Isn't Made for Retirement

This post was last updated on January 02, 2025, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

For some people, the “traditional” idea of retirement just doesn’t fit their lifestyle. The idea of never working again, going to the golf course every day, and just lounging around doesn’t sound very appealing. Luckily, you can craft what retirement will look like for you – even if you don’t really retire.

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Top 5 Things You Need to Know About Medicare Open Enrollment

Medicare is an important coverage that provides security to the majority of Americans. Medicare Open Enrollment is the time when you can change your Medicare coverage for the next year, and includes Part D prescription drug coverage. 

You may think that you know all about Medicare open enrollment because it happens every year. But this year is a little different from last year. Here are some ways to prepare for Medicare open enrollment for 2022 so you have a better idea of what to expect.

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How to Plan for Retirement When You Weren't Expecting It

You weren’t expecting to retire at this time, but life has happened. Circumstances beyond your control have left you with little option other than retirement (forced or not), so you’re probably a little scared and unprepared. 

Maybe it’s a medical situation, or you have to take care of a loved one, or maybe you were simply forced out/downsized. Whatever the reason, here are things you can do to help you plan for retirement when you weren’t expecting it.

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What is Consumer Confidence and How is it Measured?

You’ve probably heard the term “Consumer Confidence” before, likely reported on your local news broadcast or business channel. Maybe you’ve heard of the “Consumer Confidence Index” and wondered if those two terms were the same thing, or something different. 

Either way, you’ve probably noticed that these terms are discussed quite often, and seem to matter a great deal to some people. While these terms are related, they are not exactly the same. 

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Are New Home Sales Important to the Economy?

Real estate plays a very important role in the U.S. Economy. Even if you’re not planning to sell a home or buy a home, what happens in the housing market affects us all. 

Housing is one of the biggest expenses of homeowners, and it’s also the biggest source of wealth for many Americans. If you own a home, rent a home, or require a home, this article will help you to understand why new home sales are important to the economy, even if you’re not the one buying the new home.

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Don't be Spooked About This in Retirement

Below is a fantastic guest from Certified Coach, Samantha Lane. We hope you enjoy and be sure to reach out to either Samantha or me with any questions. Happy Halloween!

There can be a lot of spooky things when change is on the horizon. Rather than goblins, mummies, or ghosts looming around the corner, it’s often anxiety, perfectionism, and despair rearing their ugly heads. 

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What Is Consumer Sentiment and How Is It Measured?

As our economy seems to be coming out of a dark economic era, it’s important to know what lies ahead. As a consumer, you want to know if you can trust the perception and what appears to be true. Is the economy back on the rise? 

And how can we know for sure? One thing we can do is be more mindful of consumer sentiment. But ,what is consumer sentiment, and how is it measured?

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