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Expert Strategies to Pay for Your Grandchild's College


There’s no denying the importance of getting a quality education. However, the rising cost of higher education really makes things difficult for young families. It’s not uncommon for grandparents to want to help their grandchildren pay for college.

With that being the case, there are some key strategies for you to help your grandchildren without affecting their chances for student aid. You can probably save some taxes too – if you know what to do.

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The Best Money Saving Tips for College

Do you have a child that might go to college someday? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we provide you with our best college savings tips regardless if your child is 10 years away or 1 year away. We have tips for all of them.

Let’s face it, saving and paying for college can be overwhelming. Knowing how much to save for college, what types of accounts to utilize (529 Plans, UTMA/UGMA accounts, IRA’s, etc) and how to invest the money, can lead you into paralysis by analysis.

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How can I possibly save enough for my child’s college education?

While it’s true that saving for college is easier the earlier you start, all hope is not lost if you waited a few years to get started. Despite the rising cost of a four-year degree, it’s still an important asset for climbing the career ladder in most professional settings.

Paying for college is a financial goal for many parents but with an 18-year savings timeframe, it can easily fall by the wayside. Many people get so wrapped up in the day-to-day realities of getting the bills paid that they don’t get serious about college savings until their children’s preteen or teen years.

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