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What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)?

Whether you’ve been married five years or 25 years, divorce presents many challenges - including financial issues. This is likely a difficult time as you navigate uncharted waters. 

Friends and family may try to give you helpful information, but having a trusted attorney, tax professional, and financial advisor are essential to protect what you have and help you make informed decisions.

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Can Capital Gains Push Me Into a Higher Tax Bracket?

No matter who you are, investing is always a smart move. Whether you’re saving for retirement or trying to grow your personal wealth, you need to take advantage of investment opportunities. However, while your money can grow tax-deferred, what happens when you withdraw it? 

In most cases, you will have to pay taxes on capital gains in your taxable (non-retirement) accounts. Fortunately, if you wait until the right moment, you can reduce your tax burden. In some cases, you might be able to save thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. 

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Why Do We Think People Have More Money Than Us?

As the old saying goes, money doesn’t grow on trees. However, if you pay attention to some people’s spending habits or online pictures, it can certainly seem that way for them. These days, it’s never been easier to be jealous of everyone else, particularly if you’re on a tight budget. 

But why do we think people have more money than us? What’s really going on here?

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How to Avoid Keeping Up With the Joneses

The newest version of the iPhone just came out, and it seems like all of your friends are getting it. The latest console has just been unveiled, and your buddies were some of the first to buy it. Does this sound familiar? 

These days, it seems like more and more people are participating in “conspicuous consumption.” Back in the ‘50s, this was referred to as “keeping up with the Joneses.” The Joneses were a well-to-do family that always had the latest appliances and vehicles, and they forced everyone on the block to catch up to their level. 

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How You Can Utilize Airbnb or VRBO to Supplement Your Retirement Income

If you’re approaching retirement and looking for ways to beef up your monthly income, there are many strategies to consider. You could pick up part-time work or start a side hustle like tutoring or delivering groceries. Or, you could just rent out your home or part of your home for cash and travel the world.

If you think that final suggestion is intriguing, you’re not alone. Thanks to technology brought to use by companies like Airbnb and, it’s more common than ever for senior citizens or anyone approaching retirement to use their home as an income-producing asset so they can do…well….whatever they want.

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What Are Alternatives to Traditional Life Insurance?

Not everyone can qualify for a traditional life insurance policy. Depending on your health and lifestyle, an insurance underwriter might be reluctant to approve your application for a policy.

If you have only applied to a company or two, don’t give up on a traditional life insurance policy yet. Every company has different standards that they follow, and something that disqualifies you from one might not disqualify you from another. 

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What You Need to Know About Joint Tenancy

Let’s just get right to the point; joint tenancy is a legal arrangement involving two or more individuals co-owning property. All parties share equal rights, title, and obligations. “Property” can include bank accounts, businesses, or personal items but joint tenancy most often pertains to real estate. 

These ownership arrangements can be made between business partners, married or unmarried couples, friends, or family members. Joint tenancy also includes right of survivorship. This means that if one owner passes away, the surviving owner(s) can immediately take ownership without going to probate court.

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What’s the Difference Between a 403(b) and an IRA?

No matter how old you are, it’s never too early to start planning for retirement. While you should start saving as soon as possible, one of the best ways to build a substantial nest egg is to work somewhere that offers employer contributions, like a 401(k). However, for those working in nonprofit organizations, a 401(k) plan is not usually an option. 

Fortunately, many of these entities may offer what’s called a 403(b) retirement account. In this article, we’ll discuss the finer points of a 403(b), as well as compare it to an alternative, the individual retirement account (IRA). Here are the details you need to know. 

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What is a Family Trust and Do I Need One?

The world of family trusts is not just for the fabulously wealthy, the aristocrats, or the savviest of investors. Most do not know what a family trust is, and fewer still ask whether they need one. 

We will cover some of the basics of trusts to help shed some light on a topic that so many people could benefit from.

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What’s the Difference Between a Trust and a Will?

As you begin estate planning, you will face difficult choices, further complicated by the current pandemic. However, it’s essential that you have a plan in place to protect your loved ones financially. There are many different ways you can do so. 

Today, we’re going to discuss two of them. Wills and trusts are both estate planning tools, meaning they help you control who inherits your assets after you pass away. The similarities between the two end there, though.

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The Top 4 Things You Should Include In Your Will

When it comes to estate planning, having a comprehensive and well-planned will is essential. Without this crucial document, your loved ones could face various legal and financial challenges once you’re gone. 

However, while a will is vital, not everyone knows what to include. Fortunately, we’re here to help. Here are the top four things you should have in your will. 

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What is the Difference Between Health Insurance and Health Sharing?

Most Americans are familiar with health insurance. We pay a premium to receive access to a health network. While some receive health insurance as a benefit from their employers, others must seek coverage on their own. 

The quality and type of health insurance often correlates with monthly premium. Higher quality insurance costs more than basic programs. However, other factors such as the policyholder’s individual health status affects the price of health insurance as well.

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How to Become a Millionaire in Your 50s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 50's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 50's. Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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How to Become a Millionaire in Your 60s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 60's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 60's. Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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How To Become A Millionaire In Your 20s

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Full Disclosure: This article is not a get-rich-quick scheme of how to become a millionaire in your 20's. Rather, it's a list of sound principles and practices that you can put into place to become a millionaire at some point in your life even if not in your 20's (which is extremely difficult). Becoming a millionaire and/or achieving financial independence takes discipline, hard work, and savings. I can assure you it WILL NOT happen overnight.

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Different Ways to Make $200 in a Day

This post was last updated on January 20, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Also, note that this article does not provide any type of get-rich-quick strategies...because I firmly believe those do not exist. If that is what you're looking for, then this article is not for you. All of these strategies are proven to be successful, but only if you are able to put in the work required.

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The Risks of Being a Power of Attorney

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

As family members, we have a natural inclination to volunteer when it comes to helping with managing end of life affairs and estate planning. It’s what we do. We make sure our parents, siblings, and other extended families can count on us to pitch in now and in the future. 

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Should I Retire In The Middle of a Pandemic?

Planning for retirement can be both exhilarating and scary at the same time. Living a worry-free retirement requires a combination of a robust investment portfolio, liquid assets, potential annuities and social security income. 

At the beginning of 2020, no one could have imagined the sudden economic downturn caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Market volatility has naturally made many people consider postponing retirement plans because of sudden drops in the stock market that have increased investment uncertainty in retirement accounts. 

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Why Does It Seem Like My 401k Isn’t Growing?

This is one of the most common questions that I am asked on a regular basis. It’s certainly a fair question and one that’s probably even gone through my head a few times.

We live in an instant gratification world – what have you done for me lately?” We expect to see the results of our saving and investing efforts immediately. While there are times you’ll actually notice faster growth within your investments because of a specific sector or company, for the most part it’s a long-term process.

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How to Become Your Own Financial Advisor

Like it seems for just about every service profession today if you want to go the DIY route and figure it out for yourself, just Google it and you’ll be on your way. I swear I think there is a YouTube video for just about every DIY project you’re attempting to do around the house, with some being easier than others.

While it’s not quite that easy when it comes to managing your finances or becoming your own financial advisor, it can still be done. As long as you have the time and willingness to learn, you certainly can go at it yourself. Many people handle their personal finances themselves and do a great job.

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