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What Issues Should You Consider Before You Retire?

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Are you looking forward to the day you retire? Many dream of retirement, counting down the days when they can leave the cubicle life behind. But, before you turn in your work badge, make sure your finances are in order first.

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How To Set Goals You Might Actually Accomplish

The new year is upon us and with it comes resolutions and goals that you’d like to accomplish. However, as we can all agree, it’s just not that easy.

If you’ve ever set a goal that you failed to accomplish, you’re not alone. Science says that only 8 percent of people actually achieve their goals. According to a study by the University of Scranton, a staggering 92 percent of people make New Year’s resolutions they never fulfill.

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The Easiest Ways to Save Money

Many Americans are one paycheck away from going into debt to pay for an emergency. A report by the Federal Reserve on the economic well-being of U.S. households found that 40 percent of American’s can’t afford an unexpected $400 expense. Having some extra cash can help you be prepared in case financial disaster strikes.

There are many different ways to save money – some easier than others. Pick what works for you and stick with it for a few months, setting aside the money that you save in a separate savings account. You can use the extra money to start an emergency fund or invest for retirement.

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Medicare Advantage or Medicare Supplement: What's Right for Me?

When you start thinking about how Medicare will cover your health care needs, you should consider making one major decision. That decision will be whether you choose to enroll in federally run Original Medicare or go for a private insurance alternative.

Most people overall are satisfied with their plan of Original Medicare, besides the unpredictable out-of-pocket costs, as well as not having dental and vision care coverage. However, Private Medicare plans provide solutions to these issues and many other benefits.

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What is the Rule of 72?

Most of us like to know the length of time it will take our investment to grow. We want all the numbers: estimates, figures, how old we will be when it’s doubled, etc. Some things in life are just hard to know because there are no guarantees. 

But with the Rule of 72, you always know the number of years it takes to double an investment. The Rule of 72 will tell you a lot about the money you invest. Thanks to the Rule of 72, the table below tells us how many years it will take an initial $10,000 investment to double, depending on the rate of return. 

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Avoid Probate with These Two Free Methods Anyone Can Use

Probate can be quite a headache. Fear not! There are two not-so-secret secret weapons in your estate-planning arsenal, known as Transfer-on-Death (TOD) and Payable-on-Death (POD) designations.

These simple, yet overlooked methods are an easy and free way to avoid losing time and money to probate. Don’t burden your loved ones with complicated and confusing processes to claim their inheritance.

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Expert Strategies to Pay for Your Grandchild's College

There’s no denying the importance of getting a quality education. However, the rising cost of higher education really makes things difficult for young families. It’s not uncommon for grandparents to want to help their grandchildren pay for college.

With that being the case, there are some key strategies for you to help your grandchildren without affecting their chances for student aid. You can probably save some taxes too – if you know what to do.

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Should You Consider a Roth IRA Conversion?

If you’re looking to minimize taxes in retirement, or anytime before, one of the options is converting your traditional individual retirement account (IRA) into a Roth IRA. This shifts the tax burden from a future date to the present day. Before you make such a move, though, it’s important to consider what this will mean to your finances.

Minimizing taxes in retirement seems very appealing. Once you stop working, your income in retirement will come in part from your savings so the less taxes you can pay, the more money you will have available for enjoying your life.

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How to have a difficult conversation with your spouse about finances

Talking about money with your spouse can be difficult. Not everyone enjoys talking about finances and it can seem easier to just ignore the subject. However, avoiding difficult conversations and money discussions can lead to many problems down the road.

If the idea of discussing money with your significant other stresses you out, you’re not alone. According to a survey by SunTrust Bank, 35 percent of people said money was the primary cause of friction and stress in their relationship. For respondents between 44 and 54 years of age, that number shot up to 44 percent.

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How to Create a Digital Estate Plan

I’m assuming you’ve never heard of a digital estate plan before, but I am guessing you know the importance an estate plan to help take care of your physical assets. Things like your primary residence, other real estate, jewelry, investment accounts, etc.

The digital world is now an integral part of our personal lives. Few people consider their digital assets and what should be done with them when they pass away. This is where having a digital estate plan in place can be a great idea.

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The Best Money Saving Tips for College

Do you have a child that might go to college someday? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we provide you with our best college savings tips regardless if your child is 10 years away or 1 year away. We have tips for all of them.

Let’s face it, saving and paying for college can be overwhelming. Knowing how much to save for college, what types of accounts to utilize (529 Plans, UTMA/UGMA accounts, IRA’s, etc) and how to invest the money, can lead you into paralysis by analysis.

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The Biggest Mistake Investors Make

This post was last updated on July 30, 2022, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

Whether you’re new to investing or you’re a seasoned pro, you’re bound to make mistakes. As you gain more experience with the market, you’ll be less prone to making impulse decisions. However, there’s one mistake that all investors are bound to make at one point or another – trying to time the market.

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Should I Pay Off My Mortgage or Invest?

When you buy a house, the resulting mortgage can feel like a weight on you - mentally and financially. If you end up with a surplus of cash, you may wonder if it’s better to pay off your mortgage or invest the money in the stock market. 

This is a common question in personal finance circles. Some people believe paying off your mortgage is a good investment, while others think putting your money in the market is a better option. 

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Can You Have Multiple 401(k) Accounts?

This post was last updated on January 15, 2021, to reflect all updated information and best serve your needs.

If you’re stashing away cash for your golden years, you’re ahead of the game. A study conducted in late 2020 found that 56% of Americans have $5,000 or less in savings, while a third has $1,000 or less. What’s worse is that another study showed that almost 25% of adults in the U.S have no retirement savings or pension at all. 

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Does Insurance on Your Pet Make Sense for You?

One of the most common risk management tools is insurance. Most people have insurance for their homes, their cars and their health. This limits their financial liability in case disaster strikes and costs start piling up.

If you own a pet, you also have the option to purchase insurance to cover your pet. According to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA), there are 179 million pets in North America; however, less than 1 percent are covered by pet insurance.

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The Best Kansas City Financial Advisors

Are you in the market for a financial advisor and looking to know who are the best in the Kansas City area?  Well, you’ve come to the right place.

In today’s post, I’m going to provide you with who I believe are the best financial advisors in Kansas City. I respect and admire all of these firms and individuals and would have no problem at all referring a family member (as long as they’re a good fit, of course).

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When to Update Your Estate Plan

If you already have an estate plan, you’re ahead of the majority of Americans. According to a survey by, more than half of people don’t have a will or living trust. Even if you have your estate documents in order, you’re not done.

Chances are you’re still many years away from needing to put your end-of-life plan into motion. There are still many changes in your life that need to be reflected by updating your documents. It’s an essential part of making sure everything is in order for your family and heirs.

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Tips to Maxing Out Your 401(k) Account

One of the best ways to save for retirement is to use tax-advantaged accounts. Most employers offer the option of contributing to a 401(k) account, which can be a great idea for stashing cash for your golden years.

Maxing out your 401(k) account for a few years can give you a good foundation for retirement. The earlier you get started, the longer the money will have to grow and earn interest.

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Quick and Easy Ways to Earn Extra Cash

If you’re looking for some ways to earn extra cash, getting a side hustle can be a good idea. Having extra money can help you cover your bills or pay down debt. Maybe you want some spending money for the weekend? Or you’d like to save up for a vacation? Earning money on the side can make a big difference and help you achieve your goals faster.

There are many different ways to make extra cash. Some require you to have specific equipment while others don’t need much in terms of startup costs. Browse through the ideas below and pick a few you can try out over the next few weeks.

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How to Make Passive Income: 15 Ideas to Get You Started

If you want more freedom over your time, building passive income streams should be a priority. Finding ways to convert active income, i.e. your job, to a passive model will give you more agency over your waking hours.

Working a day job means you’re trading time for money. Every day, you wake up and get ready to go to your job, get in the car and sit in traffic until you finally make it to the office. On the other hand, earning passive income requires little time and effort on your part once you have everything set up.

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